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I added this so family and freinds can interact with one another here with a few simple clicks

  Far away yet close to home

Many of us are far away from our family. And it can be very difficult at times. Each person gets buisy with their own lives, not having a moment to wonder how a wayward family member is doing. But regardless of all the things in life. Never forget your family. Even if its a small part, in the back of your mind.



I dedicate this site to my mom and my children. My mom has been the stable ground beneath my feet, always reminding me that life has much to offer, and to never give up hope. To my son Darius, for being brave through all the issues of his illness and recovery. And the rest of my brood for being the sweet hearts that they are. BJ, Barbara, Stephanos, Darius, Noah and Liberty. I love you all!


  Words Of Wisdom

Peace I leave with you, MY peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.


John 14;27